eBook - Enter the Vortex as One Light by Sizzond Zadore
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The Transmissions of Zadore place YOU at the centre of the drama on Earth, revealing the power in you to free yourself and the Earth from the Astral Illusion, which , at present, controls all the world.
"What is the Vortex, and what does One Light mean to me?"
Stand in the Sun's Light and ask yourself, "Why is humanity so unhappy, and, in our despair and alienation, what is it that we are doing to Earth?"
All of us want to make the world a better place. The Vortex is a powerful force of Light and Healing on our planet. Let Sizzond Zadore show you the way to One Light, to your consciousness of Light, and healing for your whole self, and freedom and Light for Planet Earth.
The words of this book inspire, inform, and empower... ... They are the words of which anyone committed to true human freedom would be proud."
author of "Ludwig - a Spiritual Thriller" and "Passage to Power".
"Ours is an age of ever-changing reality pictures. This book contains an awesome reality-picture - a view to our global situation which should definitely be considered."
Editor, NEXUS Magazine
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